So where to start?….Well, as you can tell I’m not one to really blog. For several reasons really. The most obvious reason is because I hate to write. If you have ever been a client of mine, you know I’d rather talk or speak to you rather than text or write an email. And if you have ever met me IRL, you probably know I’m a Chatty Cathy and have the gift of gab! Anyway, last year I took a step back from my business to completely focus on my personal health. My physical and spiritual health to be exact. I told myself that 2018 was going to be completely dedicated to my health, my personal well being and overall happiness. I didn’t have the joy and spark I once had in my life. I threw myself into working out and getting myself back to a person I once again recognized.
I entered 2018 at the heaviest I have ever been in my life. My personal trainer was opening her own gym, which I honestly has been life changing. I was interviewed by the local news, which was doing a spotlight on fitness and the new years resolutions that came with it. The reporter asked me what my personal goals were in the new year and to be quite honest, which I always am, my answer was quiet vain. “To wear a crop top” And from there #croptop2018 was born. I worked out everyday sometimes even taking 2-3 classes on a particular day, and with every workout I would document it, check in on Facebook and EVERY SINGLE TIME I did I used the #croptop2018. It was a way to keep myself focused, hold myself accountable and let the world know that I was here to do crush goals.
I documented my weight lost. With monthly weigh ins, along with accompanying photos (talk about really putting myself out there). But the overwhelming response of support and love not only with my friends and family but from complete random strangers showering me with kindness and motivation, kept me stead fast in my determination to accomplish the goal of loosing 30lbs before July. You can see some of my progress photos here. Fast forward to July, I had lost 35lbs. I FELT AMAZING!!!! I had NEVER been in better physical condition in my life! My workouts were my escape, my gym was my happy place. My trainer, MJ, was my therapist.
Let me back up for a second though. In November of 2017, I was begging my husband to let me have my “mommy makeover” with liposuction because I was just at my wits end and I just didn’t wanna be heavy anymore. I wanted to look/feel like my old self. In reality, I just didn’t want to put in the work. I just wanted a quick fix. To take, what I saw as, the “easy way” out. After the holidays, I just realized there wasn’t gonna be an easy way. I had to fight for what I wanted. I had to prove that to not only my husband but to myself that I deserved this reward of a mommy makeover.
So, with the added bonus of knowing I was gonna get a a mommy makeover AND NOT have to get lipo, which if you have never seen the post op images of that, it looks like you went 10 rounds in the ring with an MMA fighter aka it ain’t pretty. Plus the surgery wasn’t;t gonna fix the real underlying issues. My battle with how I saw food. I saw food as just comfort. I ate when I was bored, angry, happy, hungry, etc. And the type of foods I ate were AWFUL. I used to have a VENTI Caramel Frappacinno with extra caramel drizzle from Starbucks, EVERDAY!!!! Yes, you read that right, EVERYDAY! Sometimes it would be TWICE A DAY! Mcdonalds fries were my crack (and they still are) but I HAD to have them! With a coke, of course. So when you add the endless amounts of junk food I was eating because my attitude was (I’m already chunky, so what’s this gonna hurt) + not working out + meh YOLO. I had the result of being the heaviest I had ever been.
In July 2018, when I was down 35lbs since January of 2018, I FINALLY got my mommy makeover! I had to take about 8-10 weeks of recovery. Even then,I wasn’t posting on my business social media or writing out backlogged blogs from past sessions. Instead, I just binged watched Law & Order: SVU. I think I watched seasons 1-12 during my recovery period. Because at that point all I wanted to do was enjoy my shows, let my body recover and also just take care of my family. I cherished this time. I had worked my ass off and I felt like I definitely deserved the time off. So fall came and went, I didn’t put out any specials during that time and I honestly was ok with that. I didn’t want to try and slap something together last minute and not give my best effort.
As 2018 was coming to a close, I told myself “Man, if I can give just 20% of my effort to my business like I did to working out, I will freaking crush it! Next year, 2019 is going to be my year to just really take my business to the next level. I’m gonna really take that #bossbabe and put it to work!” So here we are, writing my first blog in a VERY long time. Marketing myself more and trying to stay on top of my game. Giving potential clients and existing clients something to brag about the next time someone asks for a photographer. To really create an amazing experience for my clients and to give them the best quality work I can. 2019 is the year to put all my passion, heart and drive back into my business and into my clients. Thank you for all you who have supported me, continue to support me and have been there throughout the years! I couldn’t have made it this far without all of you! This year is MY year to take Amy Doak Photography to the next level, so I hope you will follow along and enjoy the ride with me!